Corporate Partner’s Program

TMINI is part of the solution to ending poverty in Third World
countries through education and community economic

We invite you to be a part of the solution by participating in
the TMINI’s Corporate Partner’s Program. To qualify for
Corporate Partners membership, companies are asked to
make an annual gift of $5,000 or more to support
TMIN”s commitment to providing a quality educational
experience and support services to deserving students of Third
World countries. These gifts are essential in assisting TMINI
to provide the needed resources to educate teachers in the best
instructional practices, provide salaries for teachers and
administrators, and offer academic scholarships to deserving
students who meet the established standard. These
scholarships pay for these student’s tuition, books,
educational supplies, and uniforms. We also provide meals to
students for healthy nutrition.

Corporations need to support worthy causes,
and TMINI needs corporate support.

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